Review / EFS | 2024

” The important thing is that we are moving into the future with the building.” *

* Helena Feldmann-Fischer from URBANLUST at the European Façade Summit in Wien.


European Façade Summit 2024:
On the way to sustainable innovations in façade construction

From 29.02.-01.03.2024, everything revolved around sustainability and new approaches in façade construction at the Hotel Meliá. The speakers at the specialist congress were unanimous: in today’s world, you have to think holistically! Thomas Eschbacher from Werner Sobek opened the EFS with a presentation on façade greening and delivered the first of the many sustainability concepts on the two days of the congress.

Digitalization meets sustainability

In his lecture on Building Information Modeling, Plandata CEO Lars Oberwinter then presented systems for data processing and built a bridge between digitalization and sustainability. Among other things, he emphasized the opportunities that machine learning offers in terms of resource savings and optimization. URBANLUST, represented by Helena Feldmann-Fischer and Martin Bachem, also emphasized how AI is fundamentally changing the construction process at all stages. Images from AI offer them new conversation starters and inspiration, while their speed of production is impressive. The new task now is to create visionary plans together with AI.

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